Books + Articles

Selected Articles

Watered-down LGBTQ ‘understanding’ bill shows how far Japan’s parliament is out of step with its society – and history,” The Conversation June 17, 2023; South China Morning Post, June 20, 2023.

Unstable Statuses, Fleeting Identities: Re-introducing East Asia’s Children,” Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth 16/1, 2023.

Notes from the Field: Response to Diamant & Bender, Where Are All the College Faculty? Critical Asian Studies, 1 August 2022.

“Made in Taiwan: Global Storytelling, Childhood Memories, and Undergraduate Research in the 21st Century,” International Journal of Taiwan Studies 6/1, 2023 (forthcoming).

The Currency of Innocence: Children’s ‘Emotional Capital,’” Emotions: History, Culture, Society 4/2, 2020.

Queer Lives in Contemporary Japan, Asian Anthropology 19/2, 2020.

Japan’s Military Battles Its Own Male-dominated Culture, East Asia Forum Quarterly vol. 8, no. 2 (April–June 2016), pp. 28–29.

A ‘Dynamic Joint Defense Force’? An Introduction to Japanese Strategic Thinking. The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, posted on March 18, 2014.

The Uses of Popular Culture for Sex and Violence. Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies 13/3 (December 2013).

J-Militarisierung: ‘Go, Go, Peace, In J-Nationalismus, ed. Jaqueline Berndt and Steffi Richter. Berlin: Konkursbuchverlag Claudia Gehrke, 2008.

アヴァンギャルドとしての自衛隊一一将来の軍隊における軍事化された男らしさ一一『人文学報』 第90号, 2004年4月, 京都大学人文科学研究所.”

ヘロイズムの後に」『日本人の「男らしさ」 -サムライからオタクまで 「男性性」の変遷を追う』サビーネ・フリューシュトゥック、 アン・ウォルソール (編集),永野ひろこ(監修, 翻訳)。東京:‎ 明石書店。

‘Now We Show It All!’ Normalization and the Management of Violence in Japan’s Armed Forces. Journal of Japanese Studies 28/1, 2002 (with Eyal Ben-Ari).

The Celebration of Violence: A Live-Fire Demonstration Carried Out by Japan’s Contemporary Military.” American Ethnologist 30/4, 2003.

The Rhetoric of Reform: On the Institutionalization and De-Institutionalization of Old Age” In Aging and Social Policy: A German-Japanese Comparison, ed. Harald Conrad and Ralph Lützeler. Munich: Deutschen Institut für Japanstudien (2002).

“Protect someone, become yourself”: How the Japanese Military Reinvents Childhood for the 21st century. in Childhood 27/3, posted on May 30, 2020.

Sexuality and Sexual Violence. In The Cambridge History of the Second World War – Vol. III. Total War: Economy, Society, Culture, ed. Michael Geyer and Adam Tooze. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015.

Sexuality and Nation States. In Global History of Sexuality, ed. Robert Marshall Buffington, Eithne Luibheid, and Donna Guy. London: Wiley-Blackwell (2014).

‘The Spirit to Take Up a Gun:’ Militarizing Gender in the Imperial Army, In Gender, Nation and State in Modern Japan (ASAA Women in Asia Series), ed. Andrea Germer, Vera Mackie and Ulrike Wöhr. London: RoutledgeCurzon, 2014.

World War II—Transnationally Speaking in Journal of Women's History 26, no. 3 (2014)

New Conversations, New Truths: Commentary on ‘Politics and Pitfalls of Japan Ethnography: Reflexivity, Responsibility and Anthropological Ethics. Critical Asian Studies 39/4, 2007.

Male Anxieties: Nerve Force, Nation and the Power of Sexual Knowledge in Modern Japan. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 15/1, 2005.

Sex zwischen Wissenschaft und Politik.” Nachrichten der Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens, 1996.

Real Men Die Wrapped in Horsehide’ and Other Tales of Modern Military Heroism” (review article). Cross-currents: East Asian History and Culture Review, December 2018.

"The Future Is Also a Different Country and We Should Do Things Differently There." in ASIANetworkExchange, posted on July 27, 2020.


The Modern Girl as Militarist: Female Soldiers In and Beyond Japan’ Self-Defense Forces. In Modern Girls On the Go: Gender, Mobility, and Labor in Japan, ed. Alisa Freedman, Christine Yano and Laura Miller (2013).

‘… weil ich nur ein Mädchen bin’: Soldatinnen in der japanischen Armee.Zinbun 38/1, 2003-2004.

Article 9—Ethnographically Speaking” in A Time for Change? Japan’s Peace Constitution at 65, ed. Bryce Wakefield. Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Asia Program, 2012.

AMPO in Crisis? US Military’s Manga Offers Upbeat Take on US-Japan Relations. The Asia-Pacific Journal, 45-3-10, November 8, 2010.

De la militarisation de la culture impériale du Japon, In La société japonaise devant la montée du militarisme, ed. Jean-Jacques Tschudin and Claude Hammon. Arles: Editions Picquier, 2007.

Gender and Sexualities, In Companion to the Anthropology of Japan, ed. Jennifer Robertson. London: Blackwell, 2005.

Managing the Truth of Sex in Imperial Japan. Journal of Asian Studies 59/2, 2000.

Treating the Body as Commodity: ‘Body Projects’ in Contemporary Japan.” In Consumption and Material Culture in Contemporary Japan, ed. Michael Ashkenazi and John Clammer. London: Kegan Paul International, 2000.